sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015
HARD ROCK - LOAD CONTROL - Scotland / Words of Wisdom - 197?
Pérola obscura vinda da Bélgica, o power trio Load Control foi formado na cidade de Dinant no começo dos anos 70. Lançaram dois raros compactos em anos desconhecidos (alguns dizem por volta de 1972) e sumiram do mapa, assim como dezenas de outras bandas da cena local. Posto aqui o primeiro, com as músicas "Scotland" e "Words of Wisdom", ambas curtas e cantadas em inglês, trazendo típica pegada do hard rock setentista, com altas doses psicodélicas e até considerada como proto-doom por alguns sites. Solos nervosos e chapados de guitarra lideram o som, seguidos por bateria barulhenta e baixo. Excelente, porém breve registro que vai agradar fãs de hard rock psicodélico.
Load Control - Single - 197? (MP3 320 kbps):
Obscure pearl coming from Belgium, the power trio Load Control was formed in Dinant in the early 70s and released two rare singles in unknown years (some say by 1972) and disappeared soon after, as dozens of other local scene bands. Post here the first single, with the songs "Scotland" and "Words of Wisdom", both short and sung in English, bringing typical early 70s hard rock, with high psychedelic doses and even considered as proto-doom by some sites. Fussy and stoned guitar solos leads the soung sound, followed by noisy drums and bass. Excellent, however brief record that will please heavy and psych rock fans.
Jose Noseda (guitarra, vocal)
Daniel Toussaint (bateria)
Paul Schoels (baixo)
01 Scotland
02 Words of Wisdom
ResponderExcluirthanks for all !
Have you the ultra rare RHEA Sad sorceress please from Belgium ?
Hello Sosgotcha, I thing they are from Switzerland. This record is in my wishlist, if I find any link it will be posted!
ResponderExcluirThank you, only the last track " The demented girl" is posted here and there ! But no trace of the other tracks !
ResponderExcluirThanks maybe a day...