quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2015
HARD/ PROG ROCK - LUNA SEA - Same - 1976
Pérola formada em Nebraska, EUA, em meados dos anos 70. O grupo Luna Sea (não confundam com a conhecida banda japonesa de mesmo nome) lançou apenas um raro álbum em 1976, gravado no estado vizinho de Iowa e sem grande repercussão na época. A capa do disco foi baseada em uma imagem do século XVIII, do cartunista francês JJ Gérard, assim como anos mais tarde fez o Queen.
O homônimo é composto por 9 faixas muito distintas entre o lado A e B. Nas primeiras 5 músicas o rock é comercial, com leves doses de hard e country, instrumental simples, bom trabalho na guitarra, piano e até banjo. A partir de "Everybody You Ever Met" ouvimos um som mais maduro e voltado ao rock progressivo e fusion, sendo o sintetizador protagonista e com raros momentos na flauta, culminando na excelente "Rousing The Ghost", única totalmente instrumental, onde a banda mostra talvez sua verdadeira e rica sonoridade.
Boa pedida tanto para fãs de hard/ country como prog rock.
Luna Sea - 1976 (MP3 256 kbps):
"It's the lone private press LP by an almost totally unknown US band named Luna Sea. They were from Blair, Nebraska of all places, but the album was recorded in Iowa. The first side is going to really test your willpower, as it's just straight radio-rock a la the Eagles, so you'll just have to "man-up" and slog through it. There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, though, because side 2 is totally different. Suddenly the synths appear, and things start getting a lot more interesting. It starts out in a still fairly accessible style, but things get proggier literally by the minute, until the last track "Rousing The Ghost", which is a fantastic piece of instrumental symphonic prog with great guitar, keys, and even a little flute. Oh, and be sure to stay tuned for the unlisted (and totally stupid) outro! A completely schizophrenic album, but even the band seemed to know this as they named the first side the "Light Side" and the second side the "Dark Side"! Hard to tell what they were really trying to accomplish here. But, such is the nature of the US underground. One part confusion and one part inspiration. I guess that's kind of the charm! In any case, this thing is seriously rare. It only first emerged onto the collector scene within the last year or two, and since it was first discovered only like two or three copies have popped up."
Text: Rate Your Music
Craig Nance (guitarra, banjo, flauta, vocal)
Barry Anderson (sintetizador, vocal)
Carl Willadsen (baixo, vocal)
Collin Thompson (bateria, vocal)
01 Please Be Good To Me 3:10
02 Rollin’ Out Of Thunder Bay 3:46
03 Cold Nights And The Lonely 2:41
04 Almost Profound Melancholia 2:50
05 Wait, Norma Wait 3:14
06 Everybody You Ever Met 3:55
07 Flash In The Pan 5:43
08 Rousing The Ghost 6:37
09 Luna Tunes 0:48
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