Uruguayan pearl, Ceibo formed in the early 70s in the capital Montevideo and released only one single in 1974, was the first band of Cesio Luis and Jose Luis Perez, who later on become part Psiglo and Arco Iris. The two tracks, Amigos de mi Sangre and Mira Bien bring a rock typical of Latin America, sung in Spanish and with a touch of progressive, especially in passages of flute. The vocals are male and female.

José Luis Pérez (bateria e percussão)
Luis Cesio (guitarra e voz)
Cristina García Banegas (flauta, teclados e voz)
José Luis Musetti (teclados e voz)
Alessandro Eloy Hugo Perego (baixo)
1.Hermanos de Mi Sangre
2.Mira Bien
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