Turn Onto Music traz uma interessante mistura de estilos, nos quais predominam o funk rock e psicodélico, também tem alguns toques de folk (música tropical), blues, prog, hard e beat rock. Várias faixas são bons covers (Shake that Fat, In the Midnight Hour e Mississippi Queen) e outras são de autoria dos caras, nada extraordinário até a última música: Island Suite, um incrível jam de 23 minutos, que esbanja no uso de teclados, guitarra e percussão. As letras são todas em inglês.
Uma boa pérola e muito interessante, se vermos da onde veio.
Link (Rockasteria)
Rare pearl formed in Suva, capital of Fiji! The group was probably formed in the late 60 or early 70 (do not know the right year) and "migrated" to New Zealand, where released two singles and an album in 1973 by Vertigo.
Turn Onto Music brings an interesting mix of styles, which predominate funk and psychedelic rock, also has some touches of folk (tropical music), blues, prog, beat and hard rock. Several tracks are good covers (Shake que Fat, In the Midnight Hour and Mississippi Queen), nothing extraordinary until the last song: Island Suite, an amazing 23-minutes jam that has a lot of keyboards, guitar and percussion. The lyrics are all in English. Very nice, recommend!

Ronnie Sammuel (Teclados)
Paul Stephen (Bateria)
Waisea Vatuwaga (Guitarra / Vocal)
Reuben Davui (Guitarra / Vocal)
A1 Day & Night
A2 In the Midnight Hour
A3 You Don't Love Me
A4 Mississippi Queen
A5 Shake That Fat
B1 Turn Onto Music
B2 Island Suite
a. Firewalker
b. Back at the Village
c. Hurricane Bebe
Mantis (FIJI) - 1973 - Turn Onto Music (full... por meir-rivkin
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