Pérola vinda de Israel, Fourteen Octaves foi um projeto de vida curta, que surgiu em 1974 a partir dos pianistas Yoni Rech (ex-Kaveret) e Avner Kenner, o trio era integrado também pelo baterista Zohar Levi. Após algumas apresentações ao vivo, gravaram este único e raro álbum, com presença de músicos locais de grupos como Apocalypse e Ktzat Acheret. O disco foi relançado em 1994 (CD) e em 2008 houve uma breve reunião dos grupo.
O homônimo de 1975 traz 12 faixas curtas que combinam influências fusion e cool jazz, rock progressivo (Gentle Giant é um influência notável) e até música clássica. O som é muito bem trabalhado em torno dos pianos e teclados, além de passagens de violino e bateria, com grande qualidade individual e clima tranquilo e pacífico na maioria do tempo. As letras são em hebraico e inglês, tratando sobre temas variados, como românticos, filosóficos e tristeza.
Um disco sólido, "relax" e interessante para fãs de jazz fusion com pegada progressiva.
Fourteen Octaves - Same - 1975 (MP3 192 kbps):
Fourteen Octaves' is a project that was born from the collaboration between two young musicians - Avner Kenner and Yoni Rechter, who were in the midst of a search for their true musical identity. Kenner describes the project as a raw and unripe search for complexity, the attempt to escape from the daily musical routine while actually having something interesting to say. The warm and minimalist production does justice for the precise and emotional compositions. The lyrics deal with some diverse and contradictive aspects of life. Occasionally they are childish and silly, and on other occasions philosophical, romantic, and descriptive of sadness and depression. The musical influences include the unusual style of Gentle Giant, cool jazz, classical chamber music and popular music, a combination which creates a homogeneous and unique fusion that is unheard of. During the same period of this album's release, there were quite a few artists that engaged in musical experimentations while trying to achieve a unique sound. This album manages to stand out, though it hasn't had any commercial success. It is a direct product of a genuine agenda to alter reality with focused work and self-sacrifice, and despite many changes throughout the years, it still manages to sound interesting and fresh, thanks to those efforts.
Text: Rate Your Music
Yoni Rechter (piano, teclado)

Zohar Levy (bateria)
01 Umka Gumka 2:44
02 Piece With Me 2:56
03 No Prize 2:14
04 Piece in F Minor 2:30
05 The Soap In The Shower 2:05
06 To Be Alone 2:57
07 Angels' Tears 3:22
08 When There's a Light In Your Window 3:35
09 On His Own 3:59
10 Evenin In Tel-Aviv 2:30
11 Seven Times Three 2:11
12 Quiet From The Road 5:05
Ouça / Listen: Spotify
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