Mais uma pérola vinda do Chile, o Destruction Mac's é considerado por fãs de rock chileno como um dos primeiros super-grupos do país, contando com ex-membros de Escombros, Jockers e do próprio Mac's, dos anos 60 contando com os irmãos David e Carlos McIver. Apesar de certo reconhecimento local, o novo projeto durou muito pouco, entre 1970 e 71, deixando dois bons compactos.
Posto aqui as músicas "Mi Razón de Vivir" e "O'Riley", ambas curtas e trazendo típico hard rock do começo dos anos 70, com alguns toques psicodélicos, influenciada por nomes norte americanos e com letras em inglês. Pegada nervosa, com guitarra pesada liderando e boa gaita de boca na segunda faixa. Ótima pedida para fãs do "hardão" setentista.
Destruction Mac's was a Chilean band, considered as one of the first super groups in the country, with former members of Escombros, Jockers and Mac's. Despite some local recognition, the project lasted between 1970 and 71, leaving two good singles.
Put here the songs "Mi Razon of Vivir" and "O'Riley", both short and bringing typical hard rock of the early 70s, with some psychedelic touches, influenced by North American names and lytics in English. Nervous sound, with heavy and leading guitar and good harmonica on the second track. Great one for fans of seventies hard.

David Mc Iver (baixo)
Eric Franklin (bateria)
Sergio Del Río (guitarra)
Walter Zidman (vocal, gaita)
01 Mi Razón de Vivir 3:23
02 O'Riley 2:23
Good post.
ResponderExcluirThe reason of their lyrics in english, is mostly because the lead singer (Walter Sitzmann) is austrian and he didn't know how to speak spanish as well as the rest of the band obviously didn't know how to speak german, so, the only way for them to communicate each other was in english.
Anyway, the single Mi Razón de Vivir was covered years later by Tumulto (other band that you posted here) because Sergio del Río was a founder member of them too.
excelente herencia musical de los hermanos Mac iver,un orgullo para chile